Friday, December 6, 2013

Week 15

Its so exciting that school is almost over. I can't wait to be done with college. Even though I have another semester I know my time to graduate is getting closer. This week we incorporated Facebook onto our blogs. Now people have the opportunity to leave me comments and share my blog using Facebook. Its great because it gives my website the chance to grow without me putting in too much effort. Its been a crazy week as I just moved into a new house of my own. Also with my own dog I really feel like I'm coming into my own. What a wonderful week!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week 12

It has been a great week. My online teacher declared an amnesty period so I will have a chance to make up some assignments that I missed due to poor time management. It has been an exciting day as well. I signed a new lease so I will be moving back to the beach soon, which I have missed. I will also be living next door to one of my best friends which is awesome. I really need to get started on my internship. I have not even filled out the paperwork to get started. It will be amazing working at an advertising company for a while though. Its a dream of mine so it will make me happy to see that come true. I can't wait for the end of the year. I'm so excited to graduate, I am so close! All I have is my internship and then I'm free! School has been so stressful, I feel like I haven't sat still in a while. I can't wait for it all to be over!

Sunday, November 10, 2013


I am in the worst mood of my life. I hate all these online courses. They are obviously not for me. I get so frustrated and confused with the descriptions I mostly end up crying. I wish I could call my teachers or at least see them face to face because some of the things they ask are impossible. I am so upset. I work so hard in school and to try and turn in everything on time and I feel like the world never works with me. I can't afford to set up a Google Adwords account. I don't even have a credit card with a positive balance. I wish I never took this online class. I wish someone would actually help me. I wish someone wanted to help me. These classes are making me start to hate advertising. I guess I should just go talk to someone at UNF.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

wiki map!

Landshark! One of my favorite places and I used to work there!
View Jacksonville Hidden Locales in a larger map

Week 10

Been a busy week but I finally found a puppy! I ended up getting a chow pyrenese lab mix. She is so cute. I haven't picked out a name yet but once I do I will upload pictures. She's in poor condition so I'm helping her get back to better health. Wish me luck!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week 9 Project 2

If you don't know what a Collie is, this is what they look like. Just like Lassie!

"Rough Collie KC," © 30 June 2002 posted to Flickr by christianmadden at, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license:

Week 9 Project 1

These is Sarah's little babies! So cute!
Creative Commons License
Sarahs Babies by Suzannah Franklin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Week 9

It has been a very exciting week. I've spent most of my time in Orlando for my step sister, Sarah's, birthday. It has been a good chance to spend time with family and I have really enjoyed myself. On Friday my family and I went and saw a one-man-show of Dracula at the Shakespeare theater. Although my step sister was very bored I enjoyed the cultural outing. He was also an excellent actor and the show received great reviews.
Sarah also got the cutest kitten this week. I helped her name him Finn after she realized he was a boy and Fiona wouldn't work. Haha. She already has a puppy and an adorable little Chihuahua, so her animal family is so precious. It has made me get on the search for my own dog. Its amazing how much internet and technology effects our lives because I would not know how to go about searching for a dog otherwise. I have been using the websites Petfinder and Craigslist to look for a new dog of my own, but no luck yet. I guess I am a little picky but I have grown up with Collies and I'm not settling for any other breed. Wish me luck! I will keep you updated. :)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week 8

Its been a really good week. Im happy to be back in Jacksonville and I have been keeping myself busy. I am working on several art projects at the minute. I am designing a band poster for my Media Graphics class and I am also painting a jacket for a friend:
Its inspired by White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane. Its going to be really great when its all done and I'm excited. Check back and I will put up a final picture.
Were learning a lot in class this week about Digital Analytic Fundamentals and the support that Google offers. I'm so glad to be learning so much and be actively involved in the class.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 7

           Been a very stressful week with homework and work. I have been in Orlando working another Florida Blue event for Tagkast. It was a good event with a lot of kids. We had someone dressed as Ironman and I took pictures of children and their parents. It was a good time and I promoted a lot of awareness for Florida Blue. Here is me with Ironman and the border created by Tagkast.

           I also went to my sisters engagement party while I have been in Orlando. It was a really great experience, she looked beautiful, and everyone enjoyed themselves. I struggled a lot today trying to get my lab project for this week done. I'm still not sure I did it right, but hopefully once it starts working I will be able to track my blog's activity better. I am looking forward to it. Stay tuned for updates!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week 6

          I will be working an event for Tagkast next weekend in Orlando. I am excited to make some money and possibly have a chance to go to Halloween Horror Nights while I am in Orlando. I love The Walking Dead so it should be a good year to go. I hope its not too scary, the pictures look creepy! I read a great review about this year's festivities on, click the picture below to read it too!

         Although Islands of Adventure have done a great job advertising this year, as always, they have not advertised as much as they have in previous years. If I worked IOA's marketing department I would increase their commercials by 50% otherwise word is not going to spread. This was the only commercial I found that I really liked unfortunately. Either way its gonna be a great year and money well spent. I can't wait!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 5

I'm loving my new blog! Its so great to be able to personalize my very own page and have my own website. I'll be going to TomorrowWorld this weekend! It should be a great chance to network and take some photographs. Expect a post with photos soon!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 4 Assignment

This week I have been working for a new social media company called Tagkast. We have had several events supporting Florida Blue, including the Heart Walk in Metropolitian Park on Saturday.

If you havent heard of Tagkast before this is how it works:

Sunday, September 8, 2013