Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week 9

It has been a very exciting week. I've spent most of my time in Orlando for my step sister, Sarah's, birthday. It has been a good chance to spend time with family and I have really enjoyed myself. On Friday my family and I went and saw a one-man-show of Dracula at the Shakespeare theater. Although my step sister was very bored I enjoyed the cultural outing. He was also an excellent actor and the show received great reviews.
Sarah also got the cutest kitten this week. I helped her name him Finn after she realized he was a boy and Fiona wouldn't work. Haha. She already has a puppy and an adorable little Chihuahua, so her animal family is so precious. It has made me get on the search for my own dog. Its amazing how much internet and technology effects our lives because I would not know how to go about searching for a dog otherwise. I have been using the websites Petfinder and Craigslist to look for a new dog of my own, but no luck yet. I guess I am a little picky but I have grown up with Collies and I'm not settling for any other breed. Wish me luck! I will keep you updated. :)

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