Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week 12

It has been a great week. My online teacher declared an amnesty period so I will have a chance to make up some assignments that I missed due to poor time management. It has been an exciting day as well. I signed a new lease so I will be moving back to the beach soon, which I have missed. I will also be living next door to one of my best friends which is awesome. I really need to get started on my internship. I have not even filled out the paperwork to get started. It will be amazing working at an advertising company for a while though. Its a dream of mine so it will make me happy to see that come true. I can't wait for the end of the year. I'm so excited to graduate, I am so close! All I have is my internship and then I'm free! School has been so stressful, I feel like I haven't sat still in a while. I can't wait for it all to be over!

Sunday, November 10, 2013


I am in the worst mood of my life. I hate all these online courses. They are obviously not for me. I get so frustrated and confused with the descriptions I mostly end up crying. I wish I could call my teachers or at least see them face to face because some of the things they ask are impossible. I am so upset. I work so hard in school and to try and turn in everything on time and I feel like the world never works with me. I can't afford to set up a Google Adwords account. I don't even have a credit card with a positive balance. I wish I never took this online class. I wish someone would actually help me. I wish someone wanted to help me. These classes are making me start to hate advertising. I guess I should just go talk to someone at UNF.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

wiki map!

Landshark! One of my favorite places and I used to work there!
View Jacksonville Hidden Locales in a larger map

Week 10

Been a busy week but I finally found a puppy! I ended up getting a chow pyrenese lab mix. She is so cute. I haven't picked out a name yet but once I do I will upload pictures. She's in poor condition so I'm helping her get back to better health. Wish me luck!